Posted On: February 18, 2014
Media-Related Job
Media Organization: Ivestigative Research
Company Description
Investment firm based out of the Midwest that is focused on investing in emerging and frontier markets and the US pro-profit education industry.
Job Description
We are an investment firm based out of the Midwest focused on investing in emerging and frontier markets and the US pro-profit education industry. We have an extensive research process that focuses on carefully interviewing industry participants (suppliers, employees, senior managers, former employees, customers, competitors, lenders, outside consultants) to gain a complete understanding of the organizational structure, management competency and integrity, capital allocation process and execution capability.
We have a strong sense of social justice and will not invest in businesses that utilizes deceptive practices or suspicion of bribing foreign officials. We have a deep and abiding interest in promoting transparency and reducing public corruption. We have seen and experienced firsthand how corruption impedes economic growth, diverts public resources, undermines democratic values, weakens the rule of law and at times can facilitate criminal activity. We have come to suspect extensive bribery in certain industries and countries in emerging markets that we would like to investigate further.
We have also come to believe that there is a tremendous amount of waste, inefficiency, incompetence, fraud and possible public corruption at State funded Universities and Colleges in states such as (CA, IL, FL, OH, PA, MA, NJ, & NY). Public corruption ranks very high priority of the FBI, however, there have been very few civil actions brought by the Department of Justice and even fewer criminal suits with regards with regarding to fraud and violations of the Federal False Claims Act by State Universities and Colleges.
We have a need for part time individuals who have a deep passion for these subjects and who have exceptional curiosity, creativity, research, interviewing, source recruiting, and investigative skills. The individual can work from home and no prior experience or educational requirements are necessary. With respect to public corruption in emerging markets we would prefer someone who has lived and has contacts and relationship in Latin America, Asia and Africa.
To Apply
Email cover letter and resume to Manisha Singhal (Manisha Singhal)