
Posted On: March 24, 2014

Journalism Job

Media Organization: Grist

Company Description

Grist is an independent nonprofit media organization that shapes the country’s environmental conversations, making green second nature for our monthly audience of 2,000,000 and growing. We use humor and real talk to connect big issues like climate change to the places where people live, work, and play.

Job Description

The Grist Fellowship Program is an opportunity to hone your skills at a national news outlet and deepen your knowledge of environmental issues. We’re looking for early-career journalists with a variety of skills, from traditional reporting to multimedia whizbangery. We will offer exposure to the leading sustainability thinkers and theories of our time, real-world experience at a fast-paced news site, and the occasional scrumptious snacks.

To Apply

Please go to http://grist.org/fellowships/ for application requirements.