Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide- Freelance Production Editor

Posted On: February 10, 2015

Media-Related Job

Media Organization: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

Company Description

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) works with cities worldwide to bring about sustainable transport solutions that cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce poverty and improves the quality of urban life.

ITDP is a not-for-profit organization headquartered in New York City with offices in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States. With an annual operating budget of 7 million, ITDP’s programs focus on bus rapid transit, non-motorized travel, travel demand management, parking and urban revitalization. More information about ITDP can be found at www.itdp.org.

Job Description

In 2006, the Bus Rapid Transit Guide 3rd edition was released. It is the pre-eminent how-to guide on planning and designing bus rapid transit systems. The 3rd edition has 20 chapters and over 800 pages. In an effort to release a new edition of the BRT Guide, we have expanded the chapters to 33 in total. These are organized into 7 volumes. Of those, two chapters still need to be written, ten chapters are in editing, and 21 chapters are ready for production. The Communications Volume comprised of 3 chapters is at graphic design.

In order to finish the guide this year, ITDP is looking for a Freelance Production Editor for 10 – 15 hours for the first six months and then 5 – 10 for the second six months, ending by December 31, 2015 at the latest. The Freelance Production Editor should have the ability to work from our New York City headquarters near Union Square at least one or two days a week.


• Work with the graphic designer in Germany and proofreader in the US on finalizing production
--Ensure files are uploaded to public site for graphic designer (GD) and communicate with GD about the volume and files to use
--Do first review of layout noticing anything glaring about the layout and sending back to GD to fix
--Receive second pass from GD and sending it to proofreader
--Input changes from proofreader into InDesign file or sending changes to GD to input directly
--Ensure changes are made and give final approval of laid out volume
--Ensure ITDP has final InDesign files and both print and online versions of files
• Coordinate the final editing and peer review of chapters in the editing process and prepare chapters for production
--Coordinate with authors on deadlines and following up with them to ensure delivery
--Working with the Chief Program Officer, conduct final copy edit of chapter and answer any substantive questions to finalize content
--Working with intern, ensure chapter follows style guide, photos are of high resolution, photos have captions and are numbered correctly
--Move final document to Completed docs for production
• Work with the author on finishing the final two chapters
--Coordinate with authors on deadlines and following up with them to ensure delivery
--Coordinate with Chief Program Officer on final copy edit of chapter and answer any substantive questions to finalize
--Ensure chapter follows style guide, photos are of high resolution, photos have captions and are numbered correctly
--Move final document to Completed docs for production

It is estimated the time needed per week would be 10 – 15 hours for the first six months and then 5 – 10 for the second six months, ending by December 31, 2015 at the latest.


• Bachelors degree
• Experience in production or editorial a plus
• Attention to detail
• Copyediting and proofreading experience
• Adobe InDesign
• Knowledgeable about the Chicago Style Guide
• Self directed, patience
• Ability to work from our Union Square office at least one or two days a week

To Apply

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to jobs@itdp.org with “Freelance Production Editor” in the subject line. No phone calls, please.