Digital Media Manager

Posted On: August 8, 2016

Media-Related Job

Media Organization: Harvard University

Company Description

Harvard University is a private, Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, established 1636, whose history, influence and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities.

Job Description

•Managing newsletter e-mails, monthly e-mail products (for example, Editor’s Highlights, both on- and off-month), and weekly e-mail products (for example, Harvard in the Headlines, This Week, Basketball/Football, Breaking News);
•Exploring and developing new ways to increase reader engagement, including but not limited to implementing other topic-driven offerings, such as a science- or arts-based e-mail newsletter, archival-content e-mails, etc.;
•Overseeing Harvard Magazine's social-media channels and generating effective social-media posts—including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.—with the overall goal of attracting a greater readership to both print and online content, as well as promoting coverage of major University events or initiatives (HM fundraising, Commencement, The Harvard Campaign, etc.);
•Producing and disseminating reports on standard metrics (such as Google Analytics and the results of A/B testing), and—with the digital strategy committee and editorial and business colleagues—developing improved practices based on these data;
•Keeping current on best practices and developing opportunities by attending industry-related conferences, courses, and seminars; and
•Promoting both print and online content to outside sources (websites, article subjects, Twitter users, Reddit/Sub-reddits, Harvard Alumni Gazette); build solid relationships with strong outside referral sources such as Arts & Letters Daily, Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, etc.

•Working with the marketing manager to promote business and fundraising initiatives such as special sections, new premiums, end-of-year campaigns; meet regularly with business staff to strategize (potentially attend monthly business meetings);

•Working with editors and Web developer on best practices for SEO, staying up to date with latest SEO trends; becoming an expert on Google’s new guidelines (Penguin & Panda), Google’s best practices for updating blogs, researching Google keywords and how they could potentially benefit the magazine. Training and educating editorial staff on best practices.
Routine operating responsibilities include monitoring Harvard University news, maintaining the “Harvard in the Headlines” Web feature, and moderating website reader comments.
Editorial duties include regular posting of reported articles and news content, as coordinated with the associate editor online.

To Apply

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