Posted On: September 13, 2018
Journalism Job
Media Organization: Anti-Nihilist Institute
Company Description
Anti-Nihilist Institute is a social advocacy nonprofit championing empathy, critical thinking, and media literacy. Created in response to widespread corrosion of human rights norms, ANI aims to be a lighthouse in a fog of disinformation; a gathering place for people to educate themselves about their place in global affairs, while also seeking better ways to care for themselves and each other.
For people eager to become informed advocates for our shared humanity, ANI delivers an emotionally astute, unflinching reality check about how people harm each other and the planet, together with suggestions for how to cope and say, “No to nihilism!”
Job Description
Currently seeking a Editor at Large, part-time position. Remote work acceptable. Competitive salary for the right candidate, with a raise and full time position pegged to ANI fundraising goals. ANI is seeking someone with at least 3-5 years social, political and/or international editorial and digital publishing experience who is passionate about exposing abuses of power, and believes in applying the humanities and emotional intelligence to analysis of current events. You’ll have the opportunity to shape ANI’s vision from the start, promote the issues you care about, and grow a platform for voices you think should be heard. The Editor at Large’s primary responsibility is refining and executing ANI’s editorial vision (articles, webinars, panels), ideally arriving with a network of writers and experts. Experience with WordPress, social media, or nonprofit management is a plus.
Additionally, we’re looking to expand our team of writers, so if you want to pitch us, please be in touch.
To Apply
To check out our archive, see We’re in the process of moving to You can check out our Twitter @notonihilism. If interested, please send a few paragraphs introducing yourself with a CV/resume attached to Anna Lind-Guzik (