Editorial Fellow

Posted On: November 22, 2021


Media Organization: Fatherly

Company Description

Fatherly is the leading digital media brand for dads. Our mission is to empower men to raise great kids and lead more fulfilling adult lives. From original video series and deep-dive reports to podcasts and events, Fatherly offers original reporting, expert parenting advice, and hard-won insights into a challenging, but profoundly rewarding stage of life.

We are an independent publication built on non-partisan journalism. This means our first obligation is to the truth in the form of reliable, accurate facts put in a meaningful context. To accomplish this, we find primary sources, read and cite studies, ask leading experts for methodological criticisms, and always acknowledge scientific consensus. Parents are awash in information — we strive to be the source that supplies facts, counters myth, and thus clarifies choices for caregivers.

Job Description

Fatherly is looking for an Editorial Fellow. This person would work at least 20 hours a week, ideally more at $18/hour, for about three months. They would respond to breaking news on child care and paid leave alongside other relevant policy for millennial parents, as well as report on the subjects. The ideal candidate would be someone who is comfortable with policy/politics writing who can pitch and write one to two stories a day, several days a week. This fellow would also have the opportunity to work with other section editors on larger scale pieces for their portfolio.

While someone with relevant experience would be great, we've had great success with writers of nontraditional experience who want to expand their skillset and learn how to write news on a quick deadline with a keen eye towards the brand, who they are writing the stories for, and with a strong knack for language and clean copy.

In addition to having a strong command of language, they should be able to reliably source and fact check their own work as well as discuss story angles and frameworks with their assigning editor. If you or someone you know is interested, please send a resume, 1-2 relevant clips, and a brief cover letter to Lizzy Francis and Tyghe Trimble at lizzy.francis@bdg.com and tyghe.trimble@bdg.com.

To Apply

Send your resume, and 1-2 clips, to tyghe.trimble@bdg.com and lizzy.francis@bdg.com