Posted On: September 18, 2014
Media Organization: Vantage Sports
Company Description
Vantage Sports is start-up that provides proprietary, advanced analytics to NBA teams. We are launching our consumer website in conjunction with the upcoming NBA season. Our goal is to be the premiere, sports content website, a la Grantland, ESPN, etc.
Job Description
What Is is a premium sports media website that will be launched prior to the 2014-2015 NBA Season. We will offer a variety of content (including NBA and NCAA), but our specialty will be both long- and short-form articles that use Vantage proprietary data and statistics as part of the analysis.
Here are some links to media articles that have used our data (you'll need an Insider account for the ESPN articles):
Our goal is to appeal to the mainstream basketball crowd, while also enriching the experience with additional insight that only we can provide. In this way, we don't see ourselves as a "stats" site - we want to compete with ESPN, B/R, Grantland, etc as the premiere sports media website, and believe that our proprietary data can help us accomplish that.
What Makes Vantage Different?
Platform: Unlike other sports content sites that just publish your work, will give you access to our proprietary data that only our professional team clients currently have access to. With the ability to use the same information that is available to teams (and better information than is available on any other sports site, including the big names), your writing will only be that much better.
Exposure: With inside access to NBA team clients, you will have exposure and information sources that will make your writing more relevant and give you the kind of experience that other online publishers can't.
Compensation: While we haven't completely worked out the details yet, we believe that quality writers should be compensated for quality work. We expect to begin with a shared-profits approach with writers who achieve better metrics (clicks, viewing time, etc.) receiving a larger cut per month.
We aren't requiring any sort of exclusive agreement to publish on our site (except, of course, any articles using our data will need to be published only on our site), and we are expecting to expand into other sports as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.
To Apply
Please reach out to Mark Jansen at