Posted On: April 3, 2012
Media Organization: Game Face Productions
Company Description
Game Face Productions, a 501 not for profit organization, uses photography to explore social issues.
Game Face: What Does a Female Athlete Look Like? was our previous exhibition project. (
Job Description
Develop leads and interview subjects for Showing: Pregnancy in the American Workplace, an exhibition, photography book and education project.
Looking for:
1. A motivated self-starter with deep interest and knowledge of women's reproductive health issues (mothers welcome!) and interest in workplace and labor issues. Extensive connections/experience with doulas and midwifery is a plus.
2. Keen research and social skills in person and on phone - ability to tap into work communities and identify pregnant women in the workplace.
3. Organized, good at record-keeping and communication with project creators.
4. Strong social media and networking skills - familiarity with Facebook, Twitter, Linked In.
5. Interviewing skills - ability to interview and write up interviews.
6. Discretion.
7. Knowledge of diverse communities within your geographic area - we are looking for a broad spectrum of participants from all work environments, and particularly want to capture racial diversity and women in unconventional, non-corporate and physically demanding jobs.
To Apply
Please email your cover letter stating interest and fit for the project, resume, 3 professional and 2 personal references, contact information (including Skype) to