Editorial Freelancer/Associate

Posted On: March 17, 2015


Media Organization: OhSayNation, Inc.

Company Description

OhSayNation is empowering citizens by educating them on policy and issues, and the giving them a voice and a direct line to Congress. OhSayNation employs the most cutting-edge technology to make it as easy, effective, and efficient as possible for citizens to learn about the most pressing policy issues, and to express themselves directly to elected officials. We then deliver the data to policymakers in a way that optimizes their decision-making.

Job Description

We are looking for great writer to work on news-based and issue-based content with our editorial team. The role will involve regular content updates reflecting current events and trending national news. We provide unbiased facts about key issues, as well as political poll questions and fun quizzes to help people learn about key national issues. If you are a news junkie with a voice, we want you!

To Apply

Meeting the team, writing samples, trial freelance work. Send a cover letter and resume to Dana Gibber (Dana@ohsaynation.com)