Uloop News Contributor/Writer

Posted On: August 13, 2014


Media Organization: Uloop News

Company Description

Created in 2007, Uloop News connects millions of students at over 1,500 colleges and universities across the country. As a student powered marketplace, Uloop is the place for both news and classifieds, where students can find options for housing, jobs, textbooks and more. Uloop gives students the chance to gain some exposure and experience as writers, allowing them to write on topics they are passionate about.

Job Description

Uloop News (www.uloop.com), one of the fastest-growing college blogging websites, is looking for new Student Writers.

This position requires writers to submit a short article online (at least 400 words) once per week pertaining to almost any subject of their choice. Writing categories include Campus Life, Entertainment, Fashion, Sports, Technology, Health, Business and Politics. Students may write their articles either in one primary category or on a mix of topics.

Although this is not a paid position, writers will have the opportunity to earn small PayPal payment rewards and to be published on larger online venues, such as The Huffington Post College, Business Insider and Buzzfeed, and on Uloop's social media pages.
This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students to build their writing portfolios, gain exposure as a writer and to have their work published. This position is available during all semesters.

We accept Uloop News applications from students attending all universities at any time during the year. Please apply here: http://www.uloop.com/join-news.php

Email megan@uloop.com with questions.

To Apply

To apply, please fill out the application form on this site: http://www.uloop.com/join-news.php