Posted On: June 1, 2016
Journalism Job
Media Organization: Gothamist
Company Description
Gothamist LLC is the leading independent network of city websites. informally launched in 2003 and steadily grew into the flagship website for a network of local blogs in cities such as San Francisco, LA, Chicago, and D.C.
Job Description
Gothamist is hiring a full-time features editor to work out of our Brooklyn headquarters. The features editor is charged with assigning, editing, and publishing stories written by freelancers and staff writers.
An ideal candidate will have several years of reporting experience in New York City and knows how to write a concise 500-word story as well as a deeply reported and bulletproof 3,000-word feature.
The candidate should also have at least two years of experience assigning and meticulously editing these kinds of pieces with patience, clarity, and empathy—whether they are working with a seasoned journalist or a writer who has never been published and needs polishing.
A strong candidate will be familiar with the kinds of issues that Gothamist strives to advance and will be able to identify and cultivate new ones. Our features editor must also be comfortable writing a trenchant blog post, giving thoughtful line edits, assigning a freelance photographer, and editing and publishing a breaking news story, all within the span of a few hours.
A sense of humor and irreverence are essential.
To Apply
Please email a cover letter and resume in the body of the email (no attachments, please!) to, with the subject "Gothamist features editor."